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Dry Eyes & Allergy

This is the most common type of problem or issue people face with their eyes, But this problem can hugely affect your daily life.


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At VN, we assure you quality & affordable treatment for dry eyes & all allergies

What are Allergies?

Allergies are just unwanted reactions of our own body's immune system to a particular substance present in our environment. our Immune system is present all over our body like skin, mouth, eyes, blood, and literally every surface of our body. This immune system protects us from unwanted invasions from Microbes like Bacteria and Viruses. The Immune system comprises cells that attach themselves to the invading particles and release chemicals that are toxic to the organism and do not allow them to live freely. But at the same time, these chemicals can be very irritating to us as well. Now imagine these Chemical reactions being triggered not by microbes but by regular everyday substances that mean no harm to our body. That's Allergy!!!!

Dust Mites Are The Most Common Enemy

These are tiny microorganisms that are present in very large numbers on our bed sheets and Rugs. These organisms feed on our dead skin and multiply very easily. They are the commonest cause of allergies. This type of allergy is easily controlled with good hygiene. Making Bed twice a day and dusting the sheets help to a great extent. The sheets have to be changed at least once a week. Allowing Sunlight to fall on the Bed minimizes dust mites to a great extent.

Dust mites are the most typical allergens but they are not the only allergens. There are more than 3000 Known allergens making it very difficult to identify what exactly is triggering reactions in you.


If we know our Enemy then Half the Battle is over. We can choose a strategy to defeat the enemy. similarly, it becomes very important to identify what is causing our allergies. although sometimes this can be very elusive as more than 3000 known allergens are present and it is very difficult to identify them. we have a very systematic approach where we start with the commonest ones and then move towards more specific ones. We also have Immuno therapy that has helped thousands overcome allergies


What is dry eye?

Dry eye disease is a condition that happens when your eyes don't have enough tears. Tears are needed to lubricate your eyes so they can work properly. If you don't have enough tears or if your tears aren't good enough, your eyes can become dry.

what causes dry eyes?

There are many reasons why someone might have dry eyes. Dry eyes can happen because of hormone changes, autoimmune disease, inflamed eyelid glands, or allergies. Some people's eyes are dry because they produce fewer tears or their tears evaporate too quickly.

what are the symptoms of dry eyes?

Dry Eye symptoms are irritated, gritty, scratchy, or burning eyes; a feeling of something in their eyes; excess watering; and blurred vision.

can dry eye cause blurry vision?

Dry eyes can cause blurry vision, as well as other symptoms like irritated, gritty, scratchy, or burning eyes; a feeling of something in their eyes; excess watering; and blurred vision.

how to cure dry eyes permanently?

Omega-3 fatty acids are good for your body and they may help you if you have dry eyes. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish and flaxseed. You can also get omega-3 fatty acids as a supplement. Castor oil is also good for your body and it can help with dry eyes. You can put castor oil in your eyes with eye drops.

dry eyes remedies
  • Clean your eyelids every day by closing your eyes and splashing water on your face
  • Take breaks to rest your eyes when using a computer screen
  • Make sure your computer screen is just below eye level
  • Use a humidifier to stop the air from getting dry
  • If you wear contact lenses, take them out and wear glasses to rest your eyes
  • Wearing spectacles wherever you can

What Our Customers Say

Vijaya Nethralaya Super Specialty Eye Hospital


Now you can get the best treatment from our senior doctors at the most affordable prices by Booking an appointment.


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