Cataract Surgery Procedure and Recovery

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Overview of Cataract Surgery and Its Benefits:

Cataract surgery is a common and highly effective procedure aimed at improving vision impaired by cataracts, which are cloudy areas in the eye’s lens. The surgery involves removing the cloudy lens and replacing it with an artificial intraocular lens (IOL). 

Cataract: Double Distorted Vision

Cataract Surgery And Its Benefits

improved vision of old man after cataract surgery

Improved Vision

The primary goal is to enhance vision, restoring clarity and sharpness.

independence of life

Increased Independence

Restored vision often leads to increased independence in daily activities.

A man happily driving after cataract surgery

Enhanced Quality of Life

Cataract surgery can significantly improve overall quality of life by addressing vision-related challenges.

Step-by-Step Explanation of the Surgical Procedure:

Anastasia drops


Local anesthesia drops are used, ensuring the patient is comfortable and pain-free during the procedure.

Incision process


A small incision is made in the eye to access the cloudy lens.

Lens Removal

Lens Removal:

The cloudy lens (cataract) is carefully broken up and suctioned out using ultrasound or laser technology.

IOL Placement

IOL Placement:

An artificial intraocular lens (IOL) is then inserted to replace the removed natural lens.

Closing Incision

Closing Incision:

The incision is closed, often without the need for stitches, as it is small and self-sealing.

Pre-operative Instructions and Preparations:

Doctor examining the patient

Patient examination:

Undergo a thorough medical evaluation to ensure overall health and identify potential risks

medical review by doctor to patient

Medication Review

Discuss current medications with the surgeon to adjust or temporarily halt certain drugs that may interfere with the surgery.

diet plan

Follow Diet as needed

Follow fasting guidelines provided by the surgeon, typically requiring abstaining from food and drink for a specific period before the surgery.

monofocal lens

Choosing & Ordering the Lens

Our Counsellor will help you choose the lens. We will Ensure that the lens is available for surgery. Kindly check with our counsellor

Transportation Arrangements:

Arrange for transportation to and from the surgical center.
as vision may be temporarily impaired post-surgery.

Post-operative Care Guidelines and Tips for a Smooth Recovery

  1. Rest and Relaxation: Allow adequate time for rest immediately after surgery to facilitate healing.

  2. Use of Prescribed Medications: Follow the prescribed eye drops and medications to prevent infections and support the healing process. Please allow a gap of 5 minutes between drops. 

  3. Avoidance of Strain: Avoid activities that may strain the eyes, such as heavy lifting or bending forward, as recommended by the surgeon.

  4. Follow-up Appointments: Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments to monitor progress and address any concerns.

  5. Eye Protection: Wear protective eyewear (glasses), such as sunglasses, to shield the eyes from bright light and dust during the initial recovery period. Avoid touching near eyes. Use the provided Sterile wipes as instructed to clean around the eyes

By following these comprehensive guidelines, patients can navigate cataract surgery with confidence, optimizing their chances for a successful outcome and a swift recovery.

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