
What is Chalazion? Its Signs & Treatments

Before going to chalazion treatment you need to know what is chalazion and how it occurs.

A slow-growing, inflammatory lump in the eyelid’s tear gland is nothing but the chalazion.(Chronic Inflammatory Granuloma of the Meibomean Glands). It is quite common between the ages of 1 to 50. But it can occur at any age particularly with uncontrolled diabetes. At first, it may feel like a small, painless bead in the eyelid. Over a few days, it may get bigger, and rubbery, but remains painless.

Usually it starts as an Acute infection – Stye, Hordeolum internum. once the Acute inflammation(Swelling) Subsides and becomes Chalazion Later. it’s best if it’s actually treated here in the initial stage itself. A chalazion should be removed by a doctor and its treatment is performed by evacuating (Granulomatous) contents inside the lid swelling


Here are some symptoms of this disease, such;

  • Painless eyelid bump in your eyelid usually on the upper eyelid.
  • Mild irritation, causing your eyes to water.
  • if left Untreated it is prone for Repeat Painful swelling (Acute on Chronic Inflammation)
Chalazion:  looks like in a human eye
Chalazion: Cold painless swelling of the Eye lid.


The meibomian glands in your upper and lower eyelids secrete oils that coats our eyes. This coating is a part of our tear film which keeps our eye moist and protect Sight. Chalazion usually starts due to Stye/ Internal hordeolum( Initial Painful pimple like swelling). Unhygienic practices and people with diabetes and low immunity get these very frequently. untreated Stye later become Painless bumps called Chalazion. The Causes Include:

Discomfort of eyes Due to untreated power changes
Discomfort of eyes Due to untreated power changes
  1. Refractive Errors : This is the Commmonest Cause. Especially Not recognised and untreated Refractive errors. They Cause Irritation of the eyes and lids and people often Rub their eyes due to irritation. Especially people who work in front of Computers
  2. Malnutrition: Malnurished children and young adolescents are more pron for developing Chalazion.
  3. Diabetes: Particularly if the Diabetes is not under control and properly treated. If blood sugars remain high then such patients are prone for developing hordeolums and Chalazions.
  4. Pregnancy: Pregnant Ladies are more prone because of insufficient Nourishment and Hormonal Changes
  5. Anaemia: Particularly Iron Deficiency anaemia can cause Chalazion
  6. Low Immunity – People undergoing Chemo therapy, Radio Therapy , People undergoing retroviral treatments and Patients on long term Steroids are prone for Stye’s and Hordeolums which may lead to Chalazion.
  7. Dry Eyes – Especially Meibomean Gland Insufficiency may cause Oils to solidify and Block and may inturn cause Chalazion

Can Lack of sleep lead to Chalazion?

lack of sleep may also be a factor in the development of Stye. People often rub their irritated eyes when they do not get adequate sleep.

Is it Contageous? Can i get it from a friend or a family member? Can it be caused by just looking at an infected person?

Do not worry, Chalazion is not Contageous but infections like Stye are. It is better to wash hands after touching common surfaces and maintain separate towels a lot of communicable diseases are prevented by these two measures alone. and NO Neither Chalazion nor Stye spread by just looking so do not worry about that.

Treatment of Chalazion: 

In the very initial days, the chalazion can be treated by warm compresses. If it does not heal after one week of warm compresses your doctor may recommend surgical removal. This operation can be performed by an ophthalmologist or oculoplastic surgeon, a doctor who specializes in plastic and reconstructive surgeries involving the eyelids and certain other parts of the face.

Do not worry Chalazion is a very simple procedure and takes only 15-20 Minutes. Following removal, you may have to wear antibiotic eye drops and Some tablets. Corticosteroid injection is aslo an option to treat Chalazion and is usually recommended for small lesions.

Chalazion In Pregnancy

Chronic Hard Chalazion can be drained in the second Trimester of Pregnancy and treated with Local Medications (Topical Antibiotics and Anti -Inflammatory Agents). Stye/ Hordeolum internum can be treated with Drops and local medication. Hot Compress is very beneficial.

Can self-drain be a good way to remove chalazion?

No, self-draining is not a good way to remove chalazion. Do not attempt to squeeze or drain the as it Requires professional treatment for proper healing. Surgery is an office procedure that takes about 15 to 20 minutes to perform. The doctor injects a numbing agent into the eyelid and makes a small incision in the bump. The doctor then drains the fluid and removes the material collected within the nodule.

Never Attempt to Self Drain. The blood vessels are connected to brain and if the infection gets into the blood then it can easily infect brain and cause serious consequences. Please seek Medical help. Consult a Doctor. Removing this is very simple procedure and you can start looking normal very soon.

Chalazion and Hordeolum(Styes):

Chalazion and hordeolum (styes) are sudden-onset localized swellings of the eyelid. A chalazion is caused by noninfectious meibomian gland occlusion, whereas hordeolum is an infection of a gland of the eyelid. Hordeolum is a little painful and should be treated immediately. Hordeolum(Stye) is very easy to treat and goes away with medications. weather Hordeolum or Stye one must Consult an Opthalmologist in an Eye Clinic Or an Eye Hospital.

Why does chalazion keep coming back?

The reason why chalazion keeps coming back is unhygienic practices like not frequently washing hands, touching common surfaces like public taps and door knobs and not washing hands,Touching face frequently, uncontrolled diabetics, and low immunity.

To avoid this one must lead a very healthy hygenic lifestyle, Excersize regularly and eat healthy. if you have missed anything or any information you need just comment below and ask us and we will reply as soon as possible

About the Author :

Dr Sushruth Appajigowda
Dr Sushruth Appajigowda

Dr Sushruth Appajigowda is a well-known Cornea, Cataract, and LASIK Surgeon in Bangalore, and the chief Cataract and Refractive surgeon at Vijaya Nethralaya Eye Hospital, Nagarbhavi Bangalore. Known as one of the best LASIK surgeons in the country, he has over 10+ years of experience with multiple platforms of LASIK like ZEISS, ALCON, SCHWIND, AMO, and Bausch and Lomb. He has conducted over 5000 LASIK and over 300 Collagen cross-linking procedures. Dr Sushruth is a recognised speaker in various National and International Forums. His expertise lies in choosing the right procedure based on your health requirement.

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