
LASIK Eye Surgery Process: A Complete Guide

laser eye surgery

Introduction to Lasik Eye Surgery:

Lasik surgery, Bangalore
Lasik surgery, Bangalore

Eligibility for LASIK Surgery:

Pre-Surgery Preparations:

1. Initial Consultation

2. Stopping Contact Lens Use

3. Avoiding Eye Makeup and Creams


Step-by-Step LASIK Surgery Process:

1. Numbing the Eyes

2. Creating a Corneal Flap

3. Reshaping the Cornea

4. Repositioning the Flap

After reshaping, the surgeon carefully repositions the corneal flap. It naturally adheres without stitches.

Post-Surgery Recovery and Care:

1. Immediate Recovery

2. Follow-Up Appointments

3. Avoiding Eye Strain

4. No Rubbing the Eyes

Potential Risks and Complications:

While LASIK is safe, some risks include:

Long-Term Results and Benefits:


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