LASIK Surgery

Femtosecond Lasik Surgery-What is it and What is its Cost?

eye laser correction by femtosecond Lasik surgery

What is Femtosecond Lasik surgery?

LASIK surgery has come a long way over the years and is now a safe and effective way for people to get rid of their dependence on glasses, spectacles, or contact lenses. This corrective procedure has helped people from all walks of life, including Business Professionals, candidates from the Army, Merchant Navy, and Airforce, models, and brides and grooms-to-be, achieve a better vision for their future. With more awareness about the benefits of LASIK surgery, more and more individuals are choosing to get Freedom From Glasses.

LASIK surgery used to be done with a microkeratome tool, but recent advancements have led to the use of femtosecond lasers instead. Femtosecond lasers provide numerous advantages over the traditional microkeratome LASIK, including greater precision and safety.

equipment for Femtosecond Lasik Surgery. ophthalmology operation room.
equipment for Femtosecond laser vision correction operating. ophthalmology operation room.

The best thing about FEMTOSECOND laser surgery is that it is completely BLADE-FREE. No blade is used during the surgery, meaning it is fast and reliable. Plus, it is very safe to undergo LASIK with BLADE-FREE FEMTOSECOND technology. Another great thing about the surgery is that because it is a completely LASIK-guided procedure, there are very small chances of having any complications related to the flap. Recovery after FEMTOSECOND LASIK surgery is also pretty quick. Most patients can resume their normal activities just a few days after the surgery is complete.

Which patients are the best for femtosecond Lasik surgery?

Suppose you suffer from any of the following diseases or conditions. In that case, you may not be eligible for LASIK surgery or may need to discuss with your doctor first: blepharitis, dry eyes, glaucoma, herpes simplex, herpes zoster, iritis, keratoconus, ocular hypertension, presbyopia, uveitis.

Femtosecond Lasik Surgery procedure:

On the day of your surgery, you will be brought to a procedure room and placed in a reclining chair. You will lie on your back under the laser system, with a computer screen in front of you. Numbing drops will be placed into your eyes. A machine called an eye speculum would be used to keep your eyelids open during the procedure. A suction ring is then centered over the pupil and suction is applied. A glass lens is placed over the eye to hold it steady and flatten the cornea. Once the laser has fixated on the surgical area, your surgeon will administer the first treatment.

The laser will create a flap in the surface of your cornea and then suction is released. Once the flap is peeled back, an excimer laser will use ultraviolet rays to reshape the cornea as required to resolve your condition. You may hear a ticking sound or smell something burning during this part of the procedure. In Femtosecond Lasik Surgery, the flap is replaced once reshaping is complete The flap will heal in place without sutures. 

The entire procedure should take no more than 30 minutes for each eye. Be sure to have someone with you to drive you home after the procedure.

What are the precautions and side effects of Femtosecond Lasik Surgery?

Although Femto LASIK is similar to traditional LASIK, there are still risks involved in the procedure. People with certain characteristics or conditions may not be able to have Femto LASIK due to the lack of data on long-term outcomes. There are also careers that may require approval for, or prohibit, refractive surgeries. 

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks to Femto LASIK. Some of the risks associated with LASIK surgery include the: Treatment for this eye condition may be only mildly effective or not help at all. It can also lead to permanent vision loss and reduced effectiveness over time. Other ongoing vision symptoms include halos around lights.

What is the cost of Femtosecond Lasik Surgery?

On average, LASIK surgery costs 80k -1lakhs per eye. Femtosecond Lasik Surgery usually costs more because it uses higher-end technology than traditional LASIK. Other factors that could influence your cost are:

  • location
  • how much vision correction is needed
  • the skill of the surgeon

It’s important to be aware of so-called “bargain” deals, as more often than not, these come with hidden costs. Inexperienced surgeons and outdated technologies are to be avoided at all costs – quite literally. Always ask your surgeon what’s included in the package during your initial consultation. This way, you can be sure that you’re getting what you paid for, and that all of the following are included:

  • initial examination and testing
  • all costs associated with the procedure itself
  • post-procedure appointments and medications
  • follow-up procedures as required

Why do we choose Vijaya Nethralaya for Femtosecond Lasik surgery?

At the Vijaya Nethralaya Eye Hospital in Bangalore, we have been performing LASIK surgery since our establishment. We have access to the latest technology in terms of machines to make sure that our patients receive only the best care available. We have a strict preoperative protocol in place to help us screen those who are not suitable for LASIK surgery and avoid any complications. 

Our hospital has had a track record of a 99% success rate when it comes to patient safety and a 0% infection rate after LASIK surgery. We believe in putting our patients first and always prioritise their safety. Therefore, every patient receives a fresh Microkeratome for their surgery – there is no reuse of any materials used during the procedure.

What is the conclusion of Femtosecond Lasik Surgery?

femtosecond laser-assisted LASIK is the latest and greatest technology in laser vision correction. Femtosecond lasers are incredibly advanced, and they were invented specifically to correct myopia. If you’re looking for the best possible vision correction available, femtosecond laser-assisted LASIK is definitely the way to go.

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